Задача A-Місце зустрічі
class Explorer:
def __init__(self, x, y): self.ways = [(x, y)]
with file("cave.map") as f:
cavemap = []; explorers = []; Y = 0
for line in f:
mapline = [None] * len(line); X = 0
for c in line[:-1]:
if c == '.': mapline[X] = set()
elif c == '*':
e = Explorer(X, Y); explorers.append(e)
mapline[X] = set([e])
X += 1
cavemap.append(mapline); Y += 1
N = len(explorers)
def GoTo(explorer, x, y):
if 0 <= x < X and 0 <= y < Y:
place = cavemap[y][x]
if place != None and explorer not in place:
place.add(explorer); explorer.ways.append((x, y))
return len(place)
return 0
time = 0; maxmeet = 1
while maxmeet < N and any(explorer.ways for explorer in explorers):
time += 1
for explorer in explorers:
ways = explorer.ways; explorer.ways = []
for x, y in ways:
maxmeet = max([GoTo(explorer, x - 1, y),
GoTo(explorer, x, y - 1),
GoTo(explorer, x + 1, y),
GoTo(explorer, x, y + 1),
with file("cave.res", "w") as f:
print >> f, time
Задача B-Хакер
with file("password.dat") as f:
H = int(f.readline())
mincode = 33; maxcode = 126;
maxchars = 24
password = []
h = 0; nh = mincode
while nh <= H and len(password) < maxchars:
h = nh; password.append(mincode)
nh = h * 2 + mincode
for i in reversed(range(len(password))):
password[i] += (H - h) / (2 ** i)
if password[i] > maxcode: password[i] = maxcode
h += (password[i] - mincode) * (2 ** i)
password = "".join(chr(c) for c in reversed(password))
with file("password.res", "w") as f:
print >> f, password
Задача С-Немає здачі
# encoding: UTF8
with file("market.dat") as f:
N = int(f.readline())
A = [int(x) for x in f.readline().split()]
B = [int(x) for x in f.readline().split()]
S = (sum(A) - N) % 1000; C = A + B; A = [True] + [False] * 999
for v in C:
for i in xrange(999, v - 1, -1): A[i] = A[i] or A[i - v]
with file("market.res", "w") as f:
print >> f, "Будь ласка." if A[S] else "Немає здачі."